Latest Past Events

Newborn Know How Class

Tampa Office 418 West Platt Street, Suite A, Tampa

Our Newborn Know-How class is for prospective adoptive parents and helps to prepare new parents for the care of their newborn during the first few...

Tampa Adoptive Family Informational Seminar

Tampa Office 418 West Platt Street, Suite A, Tampa

Informational session for prospective adoptive families. This is a free, one hour session where you will be provided with information about the adoption process, requirements, expected wait times, etc. You will have a chance to have general information questions answered.

Orlando Adoptive Family Informational Seminar

Orlando Office 1604 South Bumby Ave, Orlando,

Informational session for prospective adoptive families. This is a free, one hour session where you will be provided with information about the adoption process, requirements, expected wait times, etc. You will have a chance to have general information questions answered.