Why Work with
Heart of Adoptions Tennessee

Getting Started

As you consider your unplanned pregnancy options, especially adoption, you may come across the common use of the phrase “Give baby up for Adoption.”

This phrase has become popular through media, movies, television, podcasts, and is now practically synonymous with adoption. However, when choosing adoption for your baby, you are not “giving them up.” You are giving them the opportunity to have the best life possible, full of opportunity and happiness. It means you are making a selfless decision to put your baby’s needs before your own. In other words, it means that you are a great mom who has decided to choose adoption as an option after considering abortion, foster care, or parenting your child. If you are ready to choose adoption for your child, we will help you create an individualized adoption plan that is right for you.

How It Works


Contact Us

You don’t have to do this alone. We’re available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. By contacting us, you are under no obligation to choose adoption. We will simply help you weigh your unplanned pregnancy options and see if adoption is right for you.



Heart of Adoptions Tennessee, Inc. has many hopeful adoptive families around the country, waiting for a child. We will ask you exactly what you are looking for in an adoptive family to create your “Dream Family”.



You can customize your experience based on your needs and comfort levels to allow you time and dignity. Your caseworker will always advocate for you and will ensure that your hospital plan plays out just as you hoped.



We support your decision and assist with post-placement communication including photos, letters, and more. We’ll also connect you with the resources you need to move forward and write the next chapter in your life’s story.

Meet Our Waiting Families

Heart of Adoptions Tennessee, Inc. has many hopeful adoptive families waiting for a child. We will ask you exactly what you are looking for in an adoptive family to create your “Dream Family.”

Heart of Adoptions Tennessee, Inc. does not discriminate. We work with singles as well as married couples. We are an LGBTQ friendly agency. What does that mean? It means we proudly assist anyone including individuals who identify themselves as lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender whether hoping to adopt as a couple or single parent. You may ask – why do we do this? The answer is simple – we want to ensure every expectant parent who is considering adoption is able to find the right adoptive family and that could include a member of the LGBTQ community. Not only that, it’s just right. Every prospective adoptive family we work with has gone through a rigorous home study process and is ready to become parents.

Finding the adoptive family, that you feel is best to parent the child you are creating an adoption plan for can be a stressful process. Having options available of all types of families helps make this process easier. To learn more about our available family, click on Meet Waiting Families or contact us to discuss your options. We are here to help you.

What to Expect from Us

Financial support & Medical care

Financial support & Medical care

We can assist you with obtaining insurance to cover your pregnancy related medical needs and you have the right to choose your doctor and the hospital where you will deliver. Financial help may be available for items such as clothing, rent, utilities, and other pregnancy related expenses allowable by Tennessee law.

Housing & Transportation help

Assistance may be available to provide transportation related to your pregnancy as well as we may be able to assist with securing housing.

Legal help & Counseling

You are not responsible for any adoption related legal fees and we provide counseling services for as long as you want.


Contact one of our caring staff


1100 Ridgewood Dr,
McEwen, TN 37101
Ph: 800-GO-ADOPT | Contact

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