Apr 12, 2019

A Few Things To Keep In Mind This Tax Weekend

It’s coming. We all feel it. Once the year changes, you feel like you have a world of time, and then before you know it, it’s April 15th, Tax Day. One important thing to remember this ominous weekend is to apply for your Adoption Tax Credit if you finalized your adoption in 2018. Here are […]
Mar 18, 2019

A Birth Mother’s Heart

My journey started on a path where I thought I could trust a man; a man who swore we had everything going for us. You see at 34 I was a little free-spirited and even a little promiscuous. Partying was by far my favorite thing to do, but we all have to grow up at […]
The Chaos In My Head Also Known As The Matching Process
Mar 13, 2019

The Chaos In My Head Also Known As The Matching Process

OK- I admit the title here is a wee bit dramatic- but to be honest my life has been a wee bit chaotic the last few months and I think it’s a good fit for how I am feeling- plus it probably grabbed your attention (so let’s hope I can keep it now- because this […]
Mar 12, 2019

How Social Work Saved Me

I am lucky enough to be writing this blog during National Social Worker Month – a month when we honor the time, love, commitment, and overwhelming kindness that anyone who knows a social worker is lucky enough to experience.
Feb 22, 2019

A Birth Mom’s Journey

You would think that I would have something more to report on the DNA kit. Some things just take more time than we would like. The first kit would not activate; the second kit did activate but it took weeks for it to get to the lab.The real concern is that I got scared. It’s […]
Feb 13, 2019

The Best Way to Honor St. Valentine

February 14th—Valentine’s Day—is most often associated with love, flowers, cards and of course, those delicious heart-shaped-message candies. While we all love to indulge in the love spread around on Valentine’s Day, do we understand the history behind it? Or better yet, do we celebrate in such a way to honor the history behind it? Saint […]
Newer And Deeper Motivation
Feb 05, 2019

Newer And Deeper Motivation

Every year I set myself the same goal – complete more placements than the prior year. I’ll be honest, I am very driven and competitive when it comes to anything in life and that includes work, so it’s only natural that every year I want the most placements as well. It is also the most […]
A Day In The Life Of The Adoptive Parent Coordinator
Jan 11, 2019

A Day In The Life Of The Adoptive Parent Coordinator

For all those that wonder, I sent 48 emails today, received 75 emails and had 13 phone calls….and I wonder where my day goes. Today was a rather quiet day in terms of life as the Adoptive Parent Coordinator of the largest Florida only private adoption agency.
A Few Snuggles In The In-Between
Jan 08, 2019

A Few Snuggles In The In-Between

Being so new to the agency, I thought picking my favorite adoption story would be difficult since I have only seen a handful completed and been hands-on with even less. But there was one baby that I definitely grew attached to, baby Blair. Blair was born at 24 weeks gestation. Once her birth mother signed […]