Must-Have Baby Adoption Supplies for New Parents

By RedWallPPC
June 26, 2024

The cost of raising a child to adulthood can be up to, or over, $300,000 (spread out over 18 years, of course). Those little bundles of joy can get expensive! Where does all of that money go, anyway?

Well, it all starts when you bring the baby home after the baby adoption. We’ve created a brief list of some baby care essentials you’ll need from day one so you can go shopping.

Bassinet or Sleeper

These should be purchased at least the day you bring the baby home. Make sure you have a safe place for your new baby to sleep. 

A full-sized crib is good, but a bassinet or sleeper that you can keep in your bedroom is helpful during the newborn stage. Remember, you’ll be getting up with the baby throughout the night, and it’s far less disruptive to do so when the baby is nearby in a small and accessible sleeping area.


It is not necessary to stock up on bottles, as babies have different preferences when it comes to them. However, as you won’t be breastfeeding the baby, you’ll need at least a few newborn bottles to tide you over. 

On that note, you’ll also either need formula or breastmilk. Most adoptive parents end up using formula for their new babies, so include it in your adoption preparation kit. 


What is your new baby going to wear? Onesies should be on your newborn adoption checklist, but you don’t need to go overboard just yet. 

Babies come in different shapes and sizes, so it may be wasteful to buy too many onesies before knowing the size of the baby. It’s helpful to have a handful of onesies to start and then start stocking up once the baby is home with you. 

Car Seat and Stroller

How are you going to transport your baby around? You won’t be able to hold or sling your new baby all of the time, and you need a safe way to get them from point A to point B for appointments and activities. This is where a car seat and stroller come into play.

A car seat is one of the most critical items adoptive parents need. Hospitals won’t allow parents to take their baby home without a car seat. Car seats that are properly sized and approved by safety experts are essential for keeping your baby safe in the car.

Strollers that can convert between multiple configurations are excellent tools for creating a bonding experience with the baby. Some of them can also accommodate babies as they get older and turn into toddlers. 

Time to Prepare Some Baby Adoption Essentials 

These baby care essentials are a must-have from day one, but this is far from an exhaustive list. When you have a tiny new family member at home, you’ll always find new things you need to add to your nursery. Parenthood is a never-ending journey of discovery. 

Are you ready to start your baby adoption journey? At Heart of Adoptions, we match hopeful parents with babies waiting for homes. Learn more about our newborn adoption program today.

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